NTG:IL Crash Pictures - 02

One thing I've noticed is that actually flipping your car is relatively difficult compared to previous NASCAR games. I don't know if this is an intentional element of realism reflecting the effectiveness of all the modern safety features which you can see deploy or if it's just an attempt to limit glitches. Still, it can be done. And the roof can at least be superficially damaged.

NTGIL NASCAR The Game Inside Line - Crash Picture Barrels
 Notice the water coming out of the barrels. 
Either that, or I just ran over Alex Mack.

Side Note: The spoiler of the car often reverts to the body color of the car. While this Coors Light car is still incomplete, I had to make the whole body white and paint the front blue, a bigger hassle than just adding white to the back and lower sides. This is the only way to make the spoiler match for now. Hopefully this glitch will be fixed in a patch.
NTG:IL NASCAR The Game Inside: Line - Crash Picture Barrels Coors

The smoke and spark effects remain a stand-out graphics improvement for this game.
Let us pause for a moment of reflection.

Still, if you know where to go, you can catch some great air.
NTGIL NASCAR The Game - Catch Air at Watkins Glen

NASCAR The Game Inside Line - Watkins Glen turn 1 air crash
 Even backwards.

NASCAR The Game Inside Line - Car in air

NTG:IL NASCAR The Game Inside Line - Crash Damage

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